How do i access my deceased father's vault?
My father and I each have separate individual 1password accounts. Now that he has passed i need to access both his passwords and my own. What is the best way to do this?
I am working on a macbook. Dad worked on a Mac mini. I have access to his machine, his emergency kit, and all his information, but not conveniently on my macbook. Seems like I should be able to have access to his passwords as another vault on my macbook. Is that right? What is the best way to achieve this? I have all the files from my Dad's mini on an external drive on my macbook. We have up-to-date versions of 1password and mac os.
1Password Version: 7.9.9
Extension Version:
OS Version: 12.6.3
Browser:_ Brave
Referrer: forum-search:How do i access my deceased father's vault. I have the emergency kit.
My condolences for your loss. I lost my father about a year ago now.
You would add his account to your copy of 1Password. Both of the accounts would be available. You will likely want to consider moving his data into a vault in your account. * You described an account, and I'm taking that to be a membership. If either or both of you are not using a membership, then it may be best to get you over to email support, where the team can work with you in a dedicated manner.
is the email address to use should you wish to talk with us away from this public venue.0