1Password Prompts continuously that Authentication Required

Community Member
edited February 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

Recently observed that 1Password prompting continuously that Authentication Required. Attaching screenshot.
Even if I close the prompt it opens the 1password website in browser automatically. attached screenshot. The extensions seems to be working fine. This occurs even if I have logged in all systems (extensions/desktop app)

1Password Version: 8.9.14
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • guhanath
    Community Member

    It opens the browser and displays this

  • Hey @guhanath,

    I'm sorry to hear about the troubles you're having with 1Password in the browser. It's possible that your account is having issues syncing with the extension. Could you try the following steps to re-sync your account?

    1. Open your browser.
    2. Right-click the 1Password icon in the browser's toolbar and select "Settings".
    3. Under General, disable "Integrate with 1Password app".
    4. Under Accounts & Vaults, click the ( ⋮ ) three dots to sign out of your account. (This won't be available if "Integrate with 1Password app" is still enabled)
    5. Click "+ Sign in to a new account" to sign back in and re enable 'Integrate with 1Password app'.

    Let me know if this improves things!

  • guhanath
    Community Member

    thanks @steph.giles will give a try
    also I will try to remove any beta extensions if I have any

  • Ronso
    Community Member

    These steps did not work for me. Also after relogin to the extension, I enable the "Integrate with 1Password app" option but I still see the option to sign out (Under Accounts & Vaults, click the ( ⋮ ) three dots to sign out of your account. (This won't be available if "Integrate with 1Password app" is still enabled))

  • Ronso
    Community Member

    I found the problem in my case and it seems that it was my fault.

    I use a script, that removes a registry key from "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", so my company does not detect 1Password as installed Software.

    I saw in developer console, that the extension cannot find the App.
    So I restored the key and voila, the extension gets instant connection to the app.

    I now just removes the displayname value from the registry for the software scanner and the app still works as expected.

    The complete path must be there:


    May this information is helpful for anyone.

    Again thanks for support and sorry for the circumstances 😁

  • Thanks for the update @Ronso

  • @guhanath

    Are you continuing to experience troubles? What version of 1Password in the browser are you using currently?

  • guhanath
    Community Member

    @ag_tommy ,
    Looks like kind of improvement. After removing beta extensions from browsers( I use opera and Avast secure browsers). It does not appear from Opera but appears only once when I log into extension in Avast(but not continuously as earlier)

  • Thank you for the update @guhanath, let us know if there is anything else we can help with at all.

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