Random password configurable rules (if needed) per login?

Community Member
edited February 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

I have to update my online passwords at several sites several times per year. For whatever reason, these sites have specific rules about what MUST be in the password. For example, there must be one of just a few special symbols, at least one number, etc.
When I generate a random password in 1Password 7, there is no way to tell it which symbols to use and the passwords almost always fail the first time on these sites when I try to use them.

Then, I have to manually tweak the password until it's acceptable by the site. Yuck. No fun.

Personally, I think these websites are missing the boat with their silly password "requirements", but this is still one area where 1Password, at least version 7, isn't configurable enough and I find myself spending more time that I should have to, IMHO, trying to get a password that will actually "work".

So, is there a way in any version of 1Password (I would consider upgrading and going subscription) where I can define what symbols and other characters should be in a "random" password? This configurable password should be "remembered" by 1Password for each login so the next time I have to generate a new random password, I don't have to redefine the rules for that site.

1Password remembering the custom password formula, if needed, per login, is important since these sites that require just "certain" special characters differ from login to login.

This random password configuration omission has been a pain for a while. AFAIK, no other password manager has this configurable random password feature either. If this option is still not in 1Password, please indicate when it might be or if there is some workaround.

**Here are the actual (IMHO, silly) "rules" from one such site I have to deal with:

Passwords must be 12 to 30 characters in length and comply with the following:
Must contain at least one uppercase letter (A, B, C, etc.)
Must contain at least one lowercase letter (a, b, c, etc.)
Must contain at least one number (1, 2, 3, etc.)
Must contain at least one of the following characters (!, @, #, $, *, +, -)
(including other special characters will make the password FAIL)
Must not contain double characters (no two consecutive characters can be the same)
Must not be the same as any of the five previous passwords used**

The free KeypassXC, as one example, can include a password recipe of sorts. But even there, there is no provision to customize the password recipe by login or to restrict passwords to not have two identical consecutive characters.

Thanks in advance,

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOS 13.2
Browser:_ Firefox


  • Hey @Mork,

    Thank you for taking the time to provide such detail on the behaviour you are after, this is really helpful.

    The default setting for the latest version of 1Password in your browser is to suggest 'Smart Passwords'. This means that 1Password will try to suggest a password based on the requirements of the website you are on. In an ideal world this would work perfectly on every website but I understand there are some scenarios where this is not the case. In that instance I would ask that you send us over a link to the website that is problematic so we can take a look at making some tweaks to improve 1Passwords suggestion on that specific page.

    As for manually changing the password specification you can to this from the password generator that is located within 1Password in your browser. If you change the password type from Smart Passwords to Random Passwords you then have a few options to amend the length, numbers and symbols. Although you can't make this the default for a specific website you can copy or fill it on the page you are on or you can set it as the default for all suggestions.

    To access the password generator and these additional options first you will need to make sure you are using the latest version of 1Password in your browser. Next, click on the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose the round settings menu > Password Generator.

    I hope this guidance is helpful. I would always recommend using the latest versions of 1Password so you get to enjoy all of the improvements we make to existing features as well as new features we add.

    Let me know if you have any questions!

  • Mork
    Community Member

    Hey Steph,

    This is really good information. I didn't know 1P has a smart password type option. That's really cool.

    I would be happy to send you the website if you give me a secure way to do that. You could post your public PGP key, for example.

    Please advise,

  • You're welcome @Mork.

    Please feel free to send the website via email to support+forum@1password.com with a link to this thread where our team will be able to assist.

  • Mork
    Community Member

    You don't have public PGP keys?


  • Hey @Mork,

    Sorry for the delayed response!

    Here is a guide on how to send us an encrypted email with a link to our GPG key: Send an encrypted email to 1Password Support.

  • Mork
    Community Member
    edited February 2023

    Thanks Steph! :)

    I've added your public key to my PGP keyring.

    That's excellent.

  • 👍🏻 Mork and on behalf of Steph, you're welcome.

  • Mork
    Community Member


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