Sites forgetting password

Community Member
edited February 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

Not a question, more of a pet peeve - After migrating from LastPass, I changed the password on my critical, mostly financial sites, banks, etc. but there are several e-commerce sites in my vault that I have signed in to just once several years back. I am finally getting around to changing those passwords and I find that the sites have changed their systems (different URL, company changed ownership, domain name, etc.) and it does not recognize the password. I find it annoying that I have to click the Forgot password?** button when in reality they have forgotten the password!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hey @shhh,

    I'm sorry you have had difficulties on particular websites when changing your passwords. If you are concerned I would recommend getting in touch with the website in question to see why this has happened. At least you can be sure of your password with it securely stored in your 1Password!

  • Tertius3
    Community Member

    @shhh I don't feel this is something 1Password can do about. How can 1Password learn that website deleted your account or invalidated your password? There is no connection. You need to initiate the account recovery process from within that website, not from within 1Password. And since there are a million different websites all with different software, 1Password cannot know when, where and how to automatically click some "forgot password" button unless the 1Password devs painstakingly visit every website and programmed that button location manually. Probably not feasible. Username and password input fields are usually tagged according to semi-standards, so these can be detected automatically, but not password recovery links.

    It just happened I encountered such an account myself (was deleted by a website, probably due to inactivity), and what I did was just deleting the 1Password entry and let the browser plugin create a new entry while creating a new account on that website. There was no action in that workflow 1Password could have done for me automatically.

  • shhh
    Community Member

    Yup, as stated, I was sharing an experience that bothers me, not expecting 1Password to solve it. I realize that sites can delete my login on their side for a variety of reasons, outside my control and 1Password control.

  • I agree @shhh, I'm sorry for the trouble you have had to go through.

    Have a great weekend!

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