Every time I login using the Chrome extension I get an error

Community Member
edited February 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

Every time I login using the Chrome extension, it creates a new tab that says my login has failed and asks me to re-enter my password. The odd part is:

1) It is successfully login me into the extension despite the error and new tab
2) It is happening across multiple Windows computers running Chrome.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.7.0
OS Version: Win 11
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Hi @Fletcher23,

    Apologies for the delay here, sorry to hear you're seeing this extra tab. Could I confirm this is happening when unlocking the 1Password browser extension itself? If you're comfortable sharing, I'd like to ask you to take a screenshot of what you're seeing:

    If you prefer to switch over to email you can always send it to support+forum@1password.com. Let me know and we'll go from there. 🙂

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