I want to deauthorize a device and all browser sessions associated with that device. How, please?

Community Member
edited February 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

I see a long list of browser sessions along with the devices I’ve logged into 1P with. If I want to deauthorize a device, perhaps due to loss or theft, can I just deauthorize the device, or do I have to hunt and peck through all of the browser sessions associated with that device as well? It doesn’t seem obvious to me which browser sessions belong to which devices.
Btw, I did look for an answer to this first, but my search didn’t yield a clear explanation of how to best deauthorize a device in its entirety.
Thank you!

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Referrer: forum-search:How to deauthorize a device and browser sessions on that device at the same time


  • ag_tommy
    edited February 2023


    You should be able to quickly deauthorize any clients that have not connected in the last 60 days. From your profile page you'll likely see this message.

    There seems like there could be room for improvement here. I'll pass this along to the team. As for myself since we're talking ideas here. I would like to see some sort of bulk selection process. Even if that's an edit button and toggle a check box beside my devices. To be fair I probably have many more devices than most folks as I use them constantly for testing.

    Back to your question though, I'd think the manual process is the best I can suggest at this time.

    ref: PB-31043634

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