How to change what makes the password prompt appear? Inline vs. toolbar

On one of my machines, when I click on the inline 1PW icon, it prompts me with the password screen. On the other machines, it tells me to "press the 1Password icon in your browser's toolbar to unlock".

How can I set it so it opens the prompt when clicking on the icons within fields on the page?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.7.0
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Hey @oralsnoberts,

    The behaviour is slightly different based on whether you have the 1Password desktop app installed. If you do then clicking on the icon in the field will prompt the app the open for you to enter your password to sign in. If you don't have the app installed then the icon will prompt you to unlock 1Password from the icon in your browser toolbar.

    Does this sound like the behaviour you are seeing?

  • oralsnoberts
    Community Member

    Ah, that's exactly what I needed. The desktop app needed to be installed for the inline clickability in browser fields to work.

    Thanks - helps my workflow out a lot!

  • Great to hear that cleared things up, @oralsnoberts. Have a great day!

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