1Password browser extension doesn't fill in the "confirm password" entry

When I created my 1Password Community account, I was asked to confirm my new password. With LastPass, LastPass will enter the password that I just entered in the previous password textbox. Does 1Password have this feature?

Thank you,

1Password Version: 8.10.0
Extension Version: 2.6.0
OS Version: macOS Monterey 12.6.3
Browser:_ Firefox 109.0.1
Referrer: forum-search:1Password browser extension doesn't fill in the "confirm password" entry


  • Hi @pwilkins,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Yes, when selecting "Use Suggested Password" or filling the new password using the Password Generator built into the 1Password extension, the "Confirm Password" field should automatically be filled as well with the same password, as seen below:

    A user clicks the suggested password and both the Password and Confirm Password fields are filled

    Is this not happening for you on all sites?

  • pwilkins
    Community Member

    Thank you, @david.m_1P, for your prompt response. I see how I "defeated" the behavior I was expecting. Rather than using the suggested password, I typed in a password. I wanted to use a "memorable password" rather than the "smart password" that was suggested. I just learned that I can set my preferred password type in the 1Password browser extension menu.

  • Welcome to the community @pwilkins If you have any other questions please let us know. It sounds as if you've found the culprit yourself. Well done!

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