Availability of Password Generator

Hi, new to 1Password, migrating from LastPass, and have a ton of passwords to review and update. Different sites have the password change forms look differently, and I get that detecting the password update situation on a page may be tricky. At those times, when that isn't obvious, for the life of me, I can't seem to find the password generator anywhere.

Please add a "Generate Password" option to the right-click menu? While at it, please stick that option anywhere it fits, because it is very hard to find. Then, please provide a comprehensive passphrase generator option as well. The Bitwarden has a very nice one. Thanks!

1Password Version: 8.10.0
Extension Version: 2.7.0
OS Version: macOS 13.2.1 (22D68)
Browser:_ Brave


  • Hey @rtoborek,

    By default 1Password is set to 'Smart Passwords' whereby it will try to suggest a password that meets the requirements of the website you are on. On occasions where 1Password has a hard time suggesting a password that fits please let us know the websites so we can pass these on to the team to see if we can improve the behaviour in future updates.

    As for the password generator you can access it by clicking on the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar > Round settings icon > Password Generator. Within here you have lots of options to change the type and length of the password.

    I hope this helps!

  • chapuller
    Community Member

    Hi there!
    Occasionally, I also do experience the issue where 1Password is unable to suggest a password. Having the 'generate password' option on the right-click menu would definitely come handy. Should be considered as a feature!

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2023

    Hey @chapuller, if you've run into an issue where 1Password is not suggesting a new password where it should, please let us know about. We'll want to check it out and if there is indeed a bug, we can report it to our developers.

    As for making the password generator more accessible, I totally understand. I do think that having a 'generate password' option on the right-click menu would be handy. I've shared your feedback about this with our product team. Hopefully, this is something we can add in the future.

    ref: 1227-all-notes/notes/30575022

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