Norton VIP Authenticator

Community Member

I was trying to get 2FA to work on Instagram and I got a message saying it wanted to use Norton VIP. I haven't got it to work yet however.

How many apps can use this Norton VIP autenticator?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hello @crablice! ๐Ÿ‘‹

    I can't speak to Norton VIP authenticator but, according to Instagram's website, you should be able to use any authenticator app that supports TOTP 2FA which includes 1Password: Securing your Instagram account with two-factor authentication | Instagram Help Center

    You can find our guide on using 1Password as an authenticator app here: Use 1Password as an authenticator for sites with two-factor authentication

    Let me know if you run into any issues. ๐Ÿ™‚


  • crablice
    Community Member

    Take a look at the LinkedIn process. I don't get a bar code and it looks like to set it up I would have to enter a 20+ position secret code?
    I don't see that 1password does what I would call automating 2FA here. Have you ever done LinkedIn?

  • @crablice

    I don't have a LinkedIn account but I see from their support documentation that they are asking you to paste the TOTP secret code into your authenticator app rather than scanning a QR code:

    If you're using 1Password for iOS you can save the TOTP secret by following these steps:

    1. Open and unlock 1Password.
    2. Select the Login item for LinkedIn, then tap Edit.
    3. Tap Add More, then choose One-Time Password. (You may need to scroll down to see these options.)
    4. Paste the TOTP secret code from LinkedIn.
    5. Tap Save.
    6. Finish setting up two-factor authentication on LinkedIn.

    I hope that helps! ๐Ÿ™‚


  • crablice
    Community Member

    I do not consider this process "as support for 2FA" using authentification. This is not support. This is exactly why so many people use short passwords - the software simply encourages it and discourages long passwords and good security and vendors do not seem to prioritize security.

    In this case the authenticator works and generates 6 digit codes. But Linked In doesn't turn on 2FA. When the 6 digit code is entered a message about missing page comes up. I suspect either the interface to enable TFA is broken, it doesn't like Ventura, or there is a problem with something I did. Or something else.

    I am not going to pursue it further. It's not worth my time.

  • jFred
    Community Member

    Norton VIP is a proprietary MFA product. It does NOT follow the OATH OTP spec. I donโ€™t think 1Password would work for a website that requires Norton VIP.

    I donโ€™t have an Instagram account, but see if they support Google Authenticator. That should support the standard OATH OTP capability that 1Password uses.

  • crablice
    Community Member

    Thanks for the help on this. Your explanation of how the one time codes are generated was very helpful.

    On LinkedIn I see numerous reports on the net that authenticator is not working for many people.

    And, you are correct about Norton VIP - it doesn't work with the spec used by 1Password.

  • @crablice

    When the 6 digit code is entered a message about missing page comes up.

    This does sound like something is going wrong on the LinkedIn page. If you do wish to pursue this in the future then I would suggest reaching out to LinkedIn Support so that they can investigate further.

    If there's anything else that we can do to help from the 1Password end of things then let us know. ๐Ÿ™‚


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