Fill not working

Community Member
edited March 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

For the second time recently, the fill option is not working. I haven't had this trouble before...

It is where a web page asks for a login as part of a pop-up (a log-in box on top of the current page).

I can't remember the previous one, but today tried to open

In Google Chrome, it just did nothing. In Safari, it actually put in the wrong info.

In the end I opened 1Password and cut and paste.

Thanks for your help in anticipation. (You always give great help!!)

1Password Version: 1Password for Mac 8.10.0 (81000055)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 12.6.3 (21G419)
Browser:_ Chrome 110.0.5481.177/Safari 16.3 (17614.,


  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Babbling, sorry to hear about the filling issues on I tested out the form on there in both Chrome and Safari. I was able to save and fill a login in both browsers without issue.

    Here's a video of the filling from Chrome:

    Here's a video of the filling from Safari:

    Because the filling works on my end, it's possible that the filling issue is coming from the login item in your account. Can you manually save a new login for the website and then see if that fills?

    Here's how to manually save a login:

    If the wrong login is still filling in Safari, please take a screenshot of it for us. There is a nice guide on how to take screenshots over at Once you have the image, make sure to remove or mask any private info. No need to send me your passwords, Secret Key or anything like that, but please include the full screen. Lastly, attach the screenshot to your reply and send it over.

    Let us know how everything goes!

  • Babbling
    Community Member
    edited March 2023

    Thanks Joy! As per usual, great support!
    1. I did what you suggested. Create a manual login and 'updated' the record in 1 Password. In Chrome it worked fine.
    2. I then went to test it in Safari. I've attached some screen shots.
    a. I think Safari was saving a password for this site, but it was wrong.
    b. The site that Safari thought it was is wrong!! And then I noticed that the site that Safari thought it was, was now saved in my ChristianityToday 1Password record. (I don't remember exactly when I did a (second) manual login save in Safari.) But i noticed that there was a new site listed in the CT 1password record--one that I didn't recognise
    c. However, it was a different site again a few minutes ago (
    So I'm not sure what is going on.

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2023

    @Babbling thanks for your response! I want to let you know that out of pre-caution, I deleted one of your screenshots which showed your username on some websites. I recommend redacting or removing such info from screenshots in the future.

    On that note, I do see in your screenshots that Safari's built-in password manager is enabled, and it seems to be interfering with 1Password how 1Password save/fills on Could you turn off Safari's built-in password manager with the steps here? Afterwards, you can edit your login from the app and remove the URL that should not be affiliated with it. Finally, try filling your login again in Safari and let us know how that goes.

  • Babbling
    Community Member

    Hmmm....I'm back to where I started. I did the above and I've also cleared cookies in both Safari and Chrome and scanned for malware. But I've worked something out.
    1. I open CT (I always start by opening 1Password and selecting CT).
    2. If ChristianityToday is the only url listed, it won't work.
    3. So I manually enter the password and update 1Password.
    4. 1Password adds as another url option for CT.
    5. Now it works.
    As long as is there it works.
    If I go to I get to the site and it asks for a login.
    This happens in either browser.
    I'm a bit concerned...

  • Babbling
    Community Member

    P.S. Thank you for wanting to delete the screenshot with my email address...but I can still see it.

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    @Babbling I deleted the other screenshot with your email address. Let me know if that works. As a note, you should be able to edit and delete the screenshots from your posts too.

    As for the URL (and website), I'm very sorry for the confusion. Some websites are connected to each other through the login process on the backend. This could be done because the company that owns the website has other websites. They may want to handle the login process for all their websites in just one place. They may also use a third-party service to handle their login process. If the third party service requires for their own URL to be present in order for logins to be autofilled, then 1Password would accommodate that, as seen here.

    It looks like uses the TinyPass service for marketing or identity management. The URL was added by 1Password in order to make the filling process as smooth as possible. We use a list of associated websites and interchangeable domains from Apple (which is public) as well as a list we've gathered ourselves in order to do this. An example of this is the domains and When you create a login for, 1Password automatically adds to it.

    I would not be concerned about the URL or the website (where the TinyPass URL re-directs). In fact, I recommend adding back to your Christianity Today login so that filling will work. You can do that by editing the login through the app. You can also save a new version of the login from the website and delete the old login.

    Again, I'm sorry for the confusion. I do hope I've been able to clarify the situation. Let me know if you have any other questions!

  • Babbling
    Community Member

    Well...that all makes sense now! And, because you gave me the backstory, I should be able to deal with the same situation in the future. I'll fix up my logins and I should be right to go.
    And yes, my screenshot was deleted this time. (Didn't realise I could edit my posts. :-) )
    Thanks again--super quick, super helpful. Have a good day, night or whatever's appropriate for your timezone!

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    @Babbling you're welcome! Have a good rest of your day (or night!) as well.

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