"Open and Fill" scrolls to the bottom of the page in Chrome

Community Member
edited March 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

I'm finding that if I use the "Open and Fill" option from either the 1Password app or from the Chrome browser extension, Chrome scrolls the page to the bottom when it opens. If I use the "open" option instead, I don't seem to have that issue. The difference I notice between the two is the ?randomtext=otherrandomtext that 1password adds to the URL when "Open and Fill" is used. Is there a way to avoid this, or could we have an option to make "Open" the default if not?

It doesn't happen with all sites. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/ is one example that seems to do it consistently. https://bonafidemasks.com/ and https://www.crandalloffice.com/ are some other examples. I also don't see the issue in Safari (launching from the Safari extension).


  • bkrodgers
    Community Member

    And I think I just figured out the common thread. The sites this is happening on all have a form field at the very bottom of the page for signing up for a email newsletter. The "open and fill" option appears to be thinking this is a user name field and is focusing on it to autofill it. So the scroll is a side effect of it trying to autofill a field that shouldn't be autofilled anyway. I'm not sure how exactly you could prevent it from catching those. There's not a corresponding password field, so maybe that could be a clue.

  • Hey @bkrodgers,

    I have done some testing on audiodeluxe.com and I saw the same behaviour you described if I had https://www.audiodeluxe.com saved in the website URL field of the item. However, if you save the exact URL of the login page: https://www.audiodeluxe.com/user/login then 1Password will go directly to that page and fill the fields when using Open and Fill.

    On the other items you are experiencing this with can you double check the website URL you have saved matches exact URL of the login page?

    Let me know how you get on!

  • bkrodgers
    Community Member

    I typically have been putting just the base URL in 1Password, not the explicit login page, just because it looks cleaner, is less likely to change over time, and I can end up using 1P entries as a form of bookmarks easily (though that last one I still can even with a more specific page listed, I suppose).

    I'll try it on some other sites. But having said that, wouldn't you think it shouldn't autofill the email into a non-login form, such as the email list signup at the bottom of the screen? I will grant it may be hard to tell the difference, but it seems like in Safari it works fine -- not only do we not scroll, but if I look at the bottom of the page, 1P didn't fill it there. Only in Chrome.

  • bkrodgers
    Community Member

    Just wanted to bump this -- is there any chance this can be resolved? I can try the workaround of putting in more specific URLs for the login page rather than the home page, but I'd prefer to have it list the home page since that won't change as often.

    If there's not a way to prevent it from autofilling the email mailing list signup, another viable option would be to have an option to change the default option from "Open and fill" to just "Open." And then if I really want to fill for a login, I'll pick that while on the page.

  • Hey @bkrodgers,

    I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

    I agree on this specific website 1Password shouldn't be filling that field at the bottom, I have filed an issue with our development team to see if we can improve the behaviour. However, the expected behaviour is that 1Password will open this page but it won't fill as there is no login form to fill.

    The behaviour may differ on each website but in order for 1Password to seamlessly open and fill we need to be telling it exactly which page to fill on with the login page URL.

    When you save an item on a website 1Password will save the URL of that page within the item so going froward you shouldn't need to edit and URL's unless you have previously manually saved the with just the homepage URL.

    ref: dev/core/core#20924

  • bkrodgers
    Community Member

    I see it on quite a few sites that have email signup forms. And it doesn’t do it in Safari (which I sometimes use as a secondary browser), so I’d hope there’s a way to fix it for Chrome more broadly.

    As far having the root site vs a deeper login URL saved, I came over from LastPass so 1Password didn’t save most of my entries itself. I always tried to just keep the home page on most entries in LastPass. It’s cleaner and less likely to change over time. And some sites don’t have specific login form URLs anyway, they just have an in-page pop up you can access on any page.

    I think an option to make the default when opening a site via 1Password “Open” instead of “Open and Fill” would help, especially if there isn’t a way to fix it consistently in Chrome. I don’t see the problem if I go into the context menu and pick “Open,” or if I just browse to an affected site on its own. It’s only the auto fill that has the issue. I’d be fine with changing my default to “open” and just manually choosing to fill when I need to.

  • Hey @bkrodgers,

    Thank you for getting back to me.

    Please feel free to send over any websites where 1Password isn't filling as expected and we can do some testing and make improvements where possible.

    The behaviour you are requesting for 1Password to just 'Open' is the behaviour you will see if you only have the homepage URL of the website saved and not the login page URL (I understand this is not the case for www.audiodeluxe.com but I have reported this to our developers). The button will always say 'Open and Fill' in your 1Password app as from there 1Password is unable to detect whether there will be fields to fill on the page.

    Can you describe to me why you would prefer for 1Password to just open the homepage instead of taking you directly to the form to fill it in so I can pass this feedback on to our product team? Is it simply because you prefer the items visually in your account with a shorter URL? Maybe we could look to truncate the URL when you view an item and only display the full login page URL on hovering over/editing the item?

    Let me know your thoughts and I can pass this on to our product team.

  • bkrodgers
    Community Member

    So I have a few reasons I prefer to keep it listed at the home page. But if any of these aren't things to worry about, please do let me know:

    1. Quite a few sites don't have a dedicated login page, and instead have an in-page drop down or popup to login from anywhere. If a specific page is listed on such a site, will it still allow me to login on other pages? And if that's where I initially saved it from, it might be some random product page I happened to be on that time.
    2. Site paths change over time. While domains can change, that's less common. But a redesign of a site could easily change that deep link into the login page. So I'd end up getting a 404 when I first load the page, and then after manually going back to the home page, would it even fill it on the new page if the deeper link is what was saved?
    3. At least with lastpass, I'd sometimes use a listing as a sort of alternative to having all of those same sites bookmarked in the browser. So I'd just type a few letters in and pick it to launch it. In such cases, I might already have a saved login, or I might not even care if I'm logged in or not. I may just want to go to the home page.
    4. I came over from LastPass, where I didn't typically store the deep links and that worked fine. So to switch to deep links, I'd have to go through all of my sites and update them.
    5. And finally yes, it does look a bit cleaner, but that's less important than the items above.

    Hope that helps! I'll also give you some other examples of sites that are doing the auto-fill of the email signup. I've also found some where the ?randomstring=otherrandomstring querystring it adds seems to cause some oddities beyond the scrolling, though I don't remember which those were and that was more subtle. I'll give you examples of that if I can find them.

  • Hey @bkrodgers,

    Thank you for your super detailed response.

    I have passed all of your feedback on to our product team for consideration in future updates. In the meantime, I recommend staying up to date with the latest versions of 1Password so you can enjoy all of our latest features and fixes.

    Let us know if there is anything else we can help with at all.

    ref: PB32192949

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