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TOTP in 1Password or Authentication App?

Community Member
edited March 2023 in Memberships

I've read lots of suggestions both ways about storing your final line of defense -- your TOTP code -- in or outside of a password manager.

It seems to me that the benefit of storing the TOTP code in 1P is that, if you use 1P to open the site to enter user name and password, you're less likely to be able to be physhed. Plus, it's very convenient. There's also a concern about these authentication apps storing your TOTP algorithms -- yet another company with critical data, though separate from the password manager.

Yet, on the other hand, if your 1P data were ever compromised, agreed, a very low probability, then all your creds are in one place for the cyber crooks.

I am looking forward to your passcodes, but I yet still don't understand, even after watching your video, how they can replace passwords on sites that barely have any security beyond the basics. I'm sure this replacement method will become clear.


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