Why don't i have a sidebar?

Community Member

I don't have a sidebar, so can't do much. Is that because my first sub hasn't been taken?
I wish you'd warned me. I've wasted so much time. I can't tell you what version I'm on. Surely you know as I only just installed this program a few days ago.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser:_ chrome
Referrer: forum-search:How to move passwords between vaults? Demo screens no help


  • Hey @Frances

    We don't have access to account details here in your community. Can you clarify which sidebar you're looking for? If this is related to the other question you posted, you'll likely be looking for the sidebar when logged into 1Password.com. The option for enabling 2FA (your other question) is only available using 1Password.com. Most likely you're inside the desktop app or 1Password in the browser. Please let me know more.

    To access 1Password.com please use https://my.1password.com in your browser of choice.

  • Frances
    Community Member

    I've successfuly enabled 2FA per your instructions. This question is nothing to do with that.

    The sidebar, which according to your demo screens should be on the LHS is nowhere to be found on the screen I see called Vaults. AS it isn't there I can't move passwords to different vaults.
    When I first set up 1Password I imported all my passwords from Last Pass. Is that why I don't see a side bar? without help I'm thinking of closing my account. I've spent too many hours this afternoon on the matter.

  • Frances
    Community Member

    I'm in the desktop app you mentioned above using Chrome

  • @frances

    Do you have the sidebar hidden? To unhide the sidebar on a Mac the shortcut is (Shift + Command + D) The shortcut for Windows should be (Shift + Control + D).

  • Also, if you click the three dots beside the account icon at the top left-hand corner of 1Password, in the menu that shows select "Show Sidebar" that should also show the sidebar.

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