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Question about Billing.

Community Member

Hello everyone,

I have recently become a user of this program. I love using it but now I have a problem with my subscription.
I have completed a trial period and my google playstore has charged an automatic renewal for 1 year... and now the problem is that the app does not see me as a premium user... so my account is now frozen.
I sent an email to the helpdesk a few days ago but I didn't get a response from them. do they still work?? because I don't think that's good service that I'm now stuck with a frozen account for days while I've paid user. Is that company still operating? or are they on vacation or? I hope I get help soon.


1Password Version: 8
Extension Version: -
OS Version: -
Browser:_ chrome


  • Hey @Roemelbak

    To avoid exposing any confidential information, I have reached out to you via email. This will allow us to go into greater detail about getting things sorted out. Please respond to the email once you receive it! :)

    ref: SVV-78872-283

This discussion has been closed.