Should highlight password and make it clear after pressed "Reveal password".


Hi everyone,

I am using a device test from my company; It is running iOS 16. I can not install 1password on this device. But I need to get some passwords; these passwords have been saved in my 1password account.

On iOS 16, I can use "Scan Texts" to scan the password on the 1password website without entering them manually. But the UI of the 1password after pressing "Reveal password" is hard to scan.

Could you please make it easy to scan with a desktop screen at FullHD resolution.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Version 2.8.1
OS Version: macOs 13.3
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Dave_1P
    edited March 2023

    Hello @Ninh! 👋

    Do I understand correctly that you're displaying a password using 1Password on your desktop so that you can scan it using your iOS device in order to login to websites? If that's correct then you should be able to select the text that you need by tapping on the following button after opening the "Scan Text" pop-up:


    Does that help at all? Alternatively, you can share passwords to your iOS device using 1Password's secure share links: Securely share 1Password items with anyone 🙂


    ref: dev/projects/customer-feature-requests#1011

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