Show app and websites icons bug and default behaviour.

Hello support team!

I have the setting "show app and website icons" off, but some sites and software licence show icons nevertheless. This only happens in search results, while browsing the vault show no icons.

Overall, it would be good to have default 1Password installation be as private as possible by default, thus - with "show app and website icons" off. At the moment, whenever I login to 1Password from a new computer - all the icons get synced and I have to switch the setting off manually.

Probably the easies way would be to add a small popup after installation mentioning such functionality for anyone to decide what they want to use.

*I have also noticed that one of the updated made this option to get back on all by itself...

1Password Version: 8.10.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 13.3
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hello @Ivan_K! 👋

    Thank you for reporting the issue. Our developers are aware and are investigating. I've added your report to the internal work item that we have open for the bug.

    Probably the easies way would be to add a small popup after installation mentioning such functionality for anyone to decide what they want to use.

    Thank you for the suggestion, I've passed it along to the team. In the meantime, you can read more about how we protect your privacy when using rich icons here: About rich icons and your privacy

    *I have also noticed that one of the updated made this option to get back on all by itself...

    Do you remember which update? 1Password should definitely not be turning on that option by itself after you've turned it off. Are you able to reproduce the issue at all?


    ref: dev/core/core#18541
    ref: PB-32106884

  • Ivan_K
    Community Member

    Thank you for the update on this, @Dave_1P.

    I have moved to v8 only on v8.10.0. I believe that it was v8.10.1 update that made the "Show app and websites icons" setting turned back on by itself.

  • @Ivan_K

    Thanks I've made note of that settings issue (turned itself back on) in our internal tracker.

  • Dave_1P
    edited January 2024


    The issue that affected when rich icons would be displayed in the 1Password app has now been resolved as of the latest update.

    Please update to version 8.10.24 or later: How to keep 1Password up to date

    Thank you again for your patience and your report. If you still see the issue after updating and restarting 1Password then please let me know.


    ref: dev/core/core#18541

  • Ivan_K
    Community Member

    Thank you for the update, @Dave_1P !

  • On behalf of Dave, you're welcome.

  • Ivan_K
    Community Member
    edited January 2024

    @ag_tommy ,after running v8.10.24 for a while I would like to say that I am still experiencing this issue (on macOS, iOS and iPadOS). My colleagues running latest version of apps also have this issue.

    For example, on favourites tab on iOS several items just show web icons, while others don't. I even have an instance when for two different items/accounts hosted on the same service - one web icon show and another does not.

    In other instance - new item was created on iPhone and immediately it showed website icon, although they are switched off in the settings.

    That is, at the moment - in all applications privacy option "show app and website icons" simply does not yet work.

    *It really would be good that default behaviour of 1Password is to do not show any icons - most private config.

  • Ivan_K
    Community Member
    edited January 2024

    Please note, date format bug is still also present, although in was claimed to be fixed in one of the recent changelogs.

    1Password on macOS still always presents dates as month/day/year, although in macOS settings (and for all the apps accordingly) I have it set to day/month/year. This is not privacy related, but still just want to get you guys know that the issue is still there (wanted to comment in older thread about this), but it was closed.

  • @Ivan_K

    Thanks for the reply. I'll respond below:

    after running v8.10.24 for a while I would like to say that I am still experiencing this issue (on macOS, iOS and iPadOS).

    This thread, and the fix that I mentioned, is specifically for the desktop versions of the app like 1Password for Mac. Can you tell me where specifically you still see rich icons being rendered in the 1Password for Mac app when you turn off "Show app and website icons".

    If you can post a screenshot then that would be helpful. Make sure that nothing sensitive is visible in the screenshot.

    For example, on favourites tab on iOS several items just show web icons, while others don't. I even have an instance when for two different items/accounts hosted on the same service - one web icon show and another does not.
    In other instance - new item was created on iPhone and immediately it showed website icon, although they are switched off in the settings.

    Which version of 1Password for iOS are you using? Does turning "Sow app and website icons" on and then back off do anything to change the situation?

    1Password on macOS still always presents dates as month/day/year, although in macOS settings (and for all the apps accordingly) I have it set to day/month/year.

    This is a known issue that our development team is investigating. There are certain cases where localization of dates is not working correctly. Specifically, if you're using a region that differs from the language selected.

    A workaround is to change your language to the region that includes the date format that you'd like to use. So, for example, if you wanted to use the DD/MM/YY format used in the UK you would set your preferred language in macOS to English (UK).

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


    ref: dev/core/core#8747

  • Ivan_K
    Community Member

    Hello @Dave_1P .

    1) Website icons bug.

    At the moment - I am not experiencing issues with icon showing in 1Password for Mac (v8.10.24).

    In iOS app (v8.10.24) I see website icons for logins appear for me in Search section for recent items.
    Turning "Show app and website icons" in Privacy Settings ON and then back OFF does not fix this.

    2) Date settings issue.

    Thanks a lot for mentioning your finding on this one!

    Indeed, I have tried to set the same language of 1Password as the set Region -> and dates showed correctly. However, since I got used to using OS and all the apps in English (but I do rely on formatting) I ended up setting OS language from English, to English (UK), since UK does have formatting.

    Doing this resulted in all english interfaces as I am used to, but also - 1Password date format is now :-)

    So, this can be a very easy workaround that I guess would suite 99% of people that experience this rare issue.


  • @Ivan_K

    Thank you for the reply. I'll respond below:

    In iOS app (v8.10.24) I see website icons for logins appear for me in Search section for recent items.

    Turning "Show app and website icons" in Privacy Settings ON and then back OFF does not fix this.

    Thank you for reporting the issue, our developers are currently investigating this behaviour. I've let the team know that you're affected as well.

    Doing this resulted in all english interfaces as I am used to, but also - 1Password date format is now :-)

    Thank you for sharing. I'm happy that you have a workaround that works for now until we're able to release a fix in a future update to 1Password.


    ref: dev/core/core#27471

This discussion has been closed.