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New "Sign in with..." OAuth providers request: GitLab, Discord, Twitch, ORCID, Hydra, KeyCloak, etc.

Community Member

Original docs:

A list of common OAuth providers:

The ones I use in particular are: (in order of most to least used)

There are several open-source projects that would be cool to be able to sign in with as well:

On that note, a question: Is it possible to support any generic OAuth2/OIDC provider, even if it means the user has to enter all of the configuration information for said provider(s)? Asked another way: Even if 1Password doesn't automatically detect all OAuth2/OIDC providers, it would be nice to give users the ability to configure any arbitrary provider that they could add to the "Sign in with..." section of another site.

(I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask on the forum; if not, feel free to move it!)

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided

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