1Password not offering to autofill name fields


Finally getting around to posting something that's bothered me about 1Password for awhile: it doesn't offer to autofill NAME fields on checkout forms, but will offer to fill out email and address.

The way checkout forms are typically designed, is they ask you for your name first. So when the first name field has focus, it would be valuable for 1Password to prompt me to autofill my name and then also fill my address.

This happens on all types of checkouts, including shopify, woocommerce and big cartel stores.


Why doesn't it do this? I assume there's a reason but I don't understand why :)

1Password Version: 8.10.4 (81004015)
Extension Version: 2.9.0
OS Version: macOS 13.3
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Hey @tmchow

    Thanks for writing.

    With Identity items, 1Password in your browser will not show inline menu suggestions for name and phone number fields. Instead, we want to offer more precise control over filling. Therefore, 1Password will only show inline menu suggestions for email and address fields. You can use the 'Autofill' button in the 1Password browser extension to autofill in name and phone number fields. I included a small demo for you:

    Let me know if you have any questions!

  • tmchow
    Community Member

    @ChrisC1P thanks for confirming the behavior that I’m hearing and originally post it out. Unfortunately, the lack of auto fill options being offered on name fields, makes it more work to fill that in. This is commonplace on every check out form add profile, creation form that asks for name and address.

    What’s the downside of offering auto complete on the name fields?

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tmchow, we require users to interact with the extension in their browser's toolbar when filling personal data in order to protect from things like phishing. That said, we do understand why you would want to autocomplete name fields. Balancing convenience with security is not always clear-cut, and we are happy to share your feedback with our developers. Hopefully, there will be more options in regards to this in the future.

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