Long generated passwords not fully visible

Community Member

When generating a passphrase consisting of 5+ words and generated words are longer, the text is clipped in the field. I cannot scroll through it to the end nor resize the generator window. Only possible option is a bit uncomfortable copying and pasting somewhere else.

Would it be possible to allow one of mentioned options to see the whole text of the passphrase directly in the generator?

1Password Version: 8.10.4-15
Extension Version: n/a
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser:_ n/a


  • 1P_Gem

    Hi @finwe, thanks for reaching out!

    I understand that you're not able to view the entirety of a long password within the password generator in the 1Password desktop app. I can definitely understand how this could be inconvenient and disruptive to your workflow, and I've gone ahead and filed this with the team on your behalf. While I can't make any promises as to if or when you might see this improved in 1Password, you can keep an eye on future changes in our release notes here: 1Password Releases

    In the meantime, it is possible to see the entirety of a generated password within the mobile apps, or when using the 1Password extension. The extension's password generator is located under the ☰ menu to the left of the + New Item button. In cases where you'll be generating a very long password, you may find it helpful to generate it there instead.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, let us know 😄

    ref: 32194183

  • finwe
    Community Member

    Thanks for noting this and for mentioning additional methods.

  • 1P_Gem

    Hi @finwe, you're very welcome 😄 if there's ever anything more we can do, don't hesitate to reach back out!

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