Feature Request: Remove 1Password from Safari contextual menu [Under consideration]
Thanks for the suggestion, @sanmarcos. I've passed it along.
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I would second this request.
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I just registered to second this request.
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Put it as an option to have or not have this in Contextual menu
or tell us how to remove it, I don't see it in Librairy/Contectual menuThanks
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I agree make it optional. I dont use it all that often but it does come in handy on occasion.
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Hi guys,
Thanks for adding your votes, I've added them to our list.
@Gilles9, it's in the Safari extension code, it won't show up in Contextual Menu library on your Mac. The option will likely come from Safari's Extension Preferences for 1Password if we decide to add this in a future update.
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I want to argue for this option as well. I use short keys so I don’t need an extra option in the context menu. Sadly, Apple doesn’t allow to modify the Safari context menu (they do with the finder context menu however) so I would very much appreciate if you could deliver this option.