Feature request: permit appending a suffix to a username on a per website basis for a login item

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password in the Browser


To login to my work web portal I use my AD credentials consisting of username, password followed by 2FA Duo prompt. We also subscribe to 0ffice 365 (O365). To login to that I use the same username, password followed by 2FA Duo prompt. However, the difference here is that the username must be suffixed by the domain name in the style of an email address e.g., username@domain.tld.

I keep the username and password in 1passeword login item with the list of websites to which the credentials can be used to sign. However, I have to remember to append the username with @domain.tld in order to be able to successfully sign in to 0365. I invariable fail to do so. It would be immensely useful if 1password had an option to append a domain name to a username when using the same credentials for different websites.

Would it be possibly to add an option something like "Append domain name to username" to the autofill behavior for a website stored in a login item? The domain would would have to be user specified, of course.

1Password Version: 8.10.3
Extension Version: 2.8.1
OS Version: macOS 13.3
Browser:_ Firefox


  • Hi @colmconn

    Thanks for writing to us.

    I agree that it would be useful to have the option to append a domain to a username for situations like the one you described. Is there any other info you'd like to add as to how not having this feature would improve your workflow or how not having this feature is impacting you so I can forward all your feedback to our product team?

    Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you!

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