Getting a RequestDelegatedSession error in op CLI after 5 subsequent actions to access 1Password

Community Member
edited April 2023 in CLI

Hey all, recently created a project which would enable us to access 1Password to use the credentials to sign into varying accounts in our system. However, I am receiving this error after 5 subsequent actions when using the 1Password CLI. The error is like so:

exit status 1:[ERROR] 2023/04/07 15:49:40 RequestDelegatedSession: cannot setup session. Please check the logs of the 1Password app.

I don't know why this occurs and I thought is this having to do with a rate limit that needs to be configured on our side? Would appreciate any feedback.

1Password Version: 2.13.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOs
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • robben
    Community Member

    After further looking into my logs I came across this message:
    ERROR 2023-04-07T20:47:39.060 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(3)) [1P:op-app/src/app/backend/] Failed to request delegated session for account <ACCOUNT_ID>: FetchError(Too many requests. Try again after 2023-04-07 21:03:39 +0000 UTC, code: HttpStatus(429), Session ID: Some(IEEF454DGG))

    Is there a way to increase the fetch responses for the account?

  • Hi @robben,

    We do rate limit, but the rate limits are pretty high, and are not something you are able to change. Are you sharing your IP address with anyone? What commands are you running?

    Very curious to see how you might be hitting this!

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