My sad downgrade story to 1PW7 from 1PW8

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

You've probably read enough angry stories about people not being happy about 1PW8, and all the reasons behind it. So I'm going to try really hard to make this a constructive story that might help future development of 1Password.

I love 1Password. I've been an active user since version 2, and it being part of a MacHeist bundle and I've had every standalone version since then. A few years ago I finally made the jump to the subscription lifestyle since it was clear that's the way we are heading, and passwords are something I just don't want to think about.

1Password7 was the height of user experience, lots of great features, shared vaults, autofill on iOS, Watch support, Universal Clipboard support, great browser support etc.

Then came version 8, and although I have my personal opinions as a software engineers, my business side can only agree that having a unified codebase, and a unified experience is better for the product as a whole, especially when you're all focussing on the Enterprise market.

Version 8 looks beautiful, it even became more clear when downgrading back to version 7 that 8 is the more modern looking app. The browser extension being able to add extra URL's to an entry? :CheffKiss:

So why did I downgrade? Well numerous reasons, I'd probably call it death by a thousand cuts but there's been so many little things I just can't explain.

  • Random Freezes on the Mac app
  • Watch tower being broken for 2 months on iPad, and me having to re-install the app every time I pressed it by accident (Fixed now).
  • The Safari plugin would sometimes prompt my password, sometimes it wouldn't.
  • Sometimes the Safari Plugin would just hang for 20 seconds, trying to decide if my main app was open, or not. Sometimes you would see the 1password icon bounce away in the dock for 10 seconds. I just really wanted to type in my master password... With some help from support I managed to disable all connectivity. It meant I have to enter my extremely long master password every time I use the extension, but it's so much faster to do that. At least I consistently get to hate the experience instead of only being frustrated sometimes.
  • Filling sometimes wouldn't work, click to copy? Nah we'll just randomly skip that.

Honestly the list goes on, and what's worse is, for a long time I thought my MBP 16" Intel was reaching end of life. My computer would be so slow in Safari, I'd have 85 tabs open, something I could have easily done in the past, but closing a tab would take numerous seconds. Right click to open in a new tab? even more. I became best friends with my 'right click -> Close other tabs' context menus.

I was positive this was related to Apple and them just not giving a crap about Intel Macs anymore, and honestly I was also blaming myself for living with a Siracusa level of windows and tabs.

This past weekend I learned that downgrading on my Mac was possible. I wasn't happy about it, but I thought it would be worth a try. And the difference is night and day. 1Password8 looks beautiful, my downgrade made it obvious how interface design has evolved in such little time.

But you know what? Everything works, 1password has become un-intrusive again except for that little 'please upgrade to version 8' banner. Safari has hung 0 times, my lock state syncs perfectly between the main app and the browser extension, the system wide shortcut works consistently, and click to copy? Not a single failure yet.

Oh and my 85 tabs? No problem at all, for fun I opened another 140 tabs and it works fantastic.

Honestly, I have no idea what to do. I'm so enormously happy with how everything 'just works' again. But I also know 1password7 is a done deal. I'll have to upgrade to 8 at one point again, which probably means I need to start looking at alternatives. Alternatives that will be worse than 1password7 is, probably worse than 8 too, but at least they'll be reliable.

I really hope y'all manage to turn it around before you or Apple decides to kill off version 7 for good, and if I can in any way help by sharing logs, screen recording or what not please let me know.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 13.3
Browser:_ Safari


  • Hello Tales,

    Thank you for reaching out! I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're having with 1Password. That's certainly not the expected behaviour we want our users to experience. I'd like to troubleshoot the issues you're having with 1Password 8 further.

    If there are any screen recordings or diagnostics logs, I recommend sending an email to so that our support team can help you directly.

    With your email please include:

    After emailing in, you'll receive a reply from BitBot, our friendly robot assistant with a Support ID that looks something like [#ABC-12345-678]. Post that here, and I’ll be able to locate your message and make sure it’s gotten to the right place.

    We look forward to assisting you further, Tales.

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