Downgrading to 1Passsword 7 again - 1Password 8 filling in with wrong credentials

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password in the Browser


I am long term and happy costumer of 1Password. I've tried using 1Password 8 for Mac a number of times, but I haven't been able to stick with it. I appreciate the increased speed in filling it credentials and the refreshed UI, although overall I don't find there's a clear case for upgrading.

In any case, I tried to get on the 1P8 train again a few weeks ago. I work at an educational institution, and soon discovered that every time I got asked for my credentials, 1P8 would fill the login info with... a completely unrelated website. This has never ever happened to me with any previous version of 1P, and I think it's a terrible bug.

Other issues, like unresponsiveness to cmd+\ or sudden freezes are annoying but bearable. Pulling the right credentials from the database seems like a 101 thing.

So I'm back to 1P7 and hope AgileBits will right the ship at some point here.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • @Raghos

    There was a bug a good while back where an item would get accidentally linked to the browser. This could cause behavior like you've experienced. Based on what you've said, I would look within your items for a linked browser. Once you remove that link, the behavior should stop. It would appear similar to this Mac linked app but would show the browser icon. Don't remove needed linkings. It will likely be evident when you see it. I typically saw this with Chrome. But it could have been any browser.

  • Raghos
    Community Member

    Hi @ag_tommy, thanks for this advice. I'll keep it in mind when I give 1P8 another try in the future.

  • On behalf of Tommy, you're welcome @Raghos.

    I suggest upgrading at your earliest convenience so you can make the most of all of our new features and fixes. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with at all.

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