Just use 1 Vault and share items as-needed?

Community Member
edited April 2023 in Business and Teams

We have around 50 people and around 100 items in a single Vault.
We want to share items only "as needed" with people.
ie "Person X needs item Y today"

Should we create a Vault per Item, or just share items "as needed"?

As a follow-up question, will we be able to generate an access report on who-has-access-to-what-item?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • ag_max

    Hi @agray007,

    Storing an item within a vault will make it accessible to everyone with access to that vault. This makes restricting select users within vault from accessing specific items impossible. In this case, creating a new vault with that item (or items) and sharing it with only the people who need access is recommended.

    Create, share, and manage vaults in your team

    As a follow-up question, will we be able to generate an access report on who-has-access-to-what-item?

    There isn't currently a report meeting that description, though it is similar to a request we've heard before. I'll be happy to pass this along to our team internally as a feature request. As a suggestion you can view the Person Details of a user to determine which vaults they have access to::

    1. As an account owner or administrator, open https://start.1password.com in your browser and sign in to your account:
    2. Click People in the sidebar on the right.
    3. Click a person's name from the list to open their Person Details page.
    4. Under Vaults will be a list of all vaults the user can access.

    The above won't create a report or reveal the actual items that they can access, though it does help you get a sense of which vaults they're assigned for any needed investigations or compliance reasons.

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