FloRacing.com - Register form prompts "Login" autofill


When attempting to register an account on FloRacing.com 1Password shows the "login" version of autofill instead of the "create" version, where I would be able to pick a masked email or my default email address.

login autofill prompt on registration page

1Password Version: 8.10.5 (81005010 BETA)
Extension Version: 2.9.0
OS Version: macOS 13.2
Browser:_ Safari


  • Hey @yesdevnull,

    I'm sorry for the trouble you are having on this page. You're right, 1Password is not detecting these fields correctly.

    I have filed an issue with our development team to see if we can improve the behaviour on this page in a future update. In the meantime I suggest the following steps to create an account on this page.

    1. Go to the join now page and manually enter your email address
    2. Click on the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose the round settings icon
    3. Choose 'Password Generator' and click 'Autofill' to fill the password.
    4. Give the item and title and click save on the save prompt.

    I hope this helps. let us know if you have any questions at all and thank you for bringing it to our attention.

    ref: dev/core/core#21240

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