Sometimes sync stops working until I lock and unlock again

Sometimes the 1pass browser extension just silently stops syncing. It behaves sort of like I'm logged out, except I can still use logins it knew about before it stopped syncing.

I'll notice when I go to use an account I added recently (as in, within the last few days) on a different device and the url doesn't have an account associated with it. Or when I go to create a new login, but clicking on the suggested password just doesn't work.

This is mostly frustrating because there is no UI associated with the problem -- it's totally silent. Secondarily, it's frustrating because I didn't ask to be logged out.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.9.0
OS Version: Linux / KDE
Browser:_ Google Chrome 111.0.5563.146
Referrer: forum-search:Sometimes sync stops working until I lock and unlock again


  • Hey @c__,

    I'm sorry for the trouble you are having with your items syncing across devices. It is only in your browser you are not seeing the item?

    Can you see if these steps to re sync your account improve things?

    1. Right click the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose Settings.
    2. Under General, disable "Integrate with 1Password app".
    3. Under Accounts & Vaults, sign out of your account.
    4. Sign back into your account.

    Let us know how you get on!

  • c__
    Community Member

    Hi Steph,

    The browser version of 1Password (on several different computers) is 99% of my usage. I haven't observed the issue on any other client, but I rarely use those.

    I disabled app integration, signed out and back in. (I did not realize I would have to find and reenter my secret key.)

  • Hey @c__,

    Apologies for the lack of heads up on needing your Secret Key. Did the steps improve things?

  • c__
    Community Member

    Hi Steph,

    It is hard to say if it has improved things yet. I have not noticed the issue recur since, but the issue was infrequent and subtle anyway.

    Was there a specific reason to believe there is a bug in the browser extension <-> app integration that would cause syncing to stop working? It seems to me like something that should work whether or not the option is enabled.


  • Hey @c__,

    You're right, there is currently an issue that our team are investigating which is related to information syncing with our servers which I believe you ran into. I have added you as an affected user, I'm sorry for the disruption.

    Let us know if there is anything else we can help with at all.

  • c__
    Community Member

    Hi Steph,

    The issue is still occurring after changing that setting.

  • Hey @c__,

    I'm sorry for the ongoing trouble. I think at this point it would be useful if we could take a closer look at some logs and what may be going wrong.

    I'd like to ask you to reproduce the issue and send over a console log from your browser:

    Please attach the report to an email message addressed to with a link to this thread.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!

  • c__
    Community Member

    Thanks Steph, I'll try to grab a console log the next time I can reproduce the issue.

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Sounds like a plan, @c__! If the issue does come back, please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know about it with your console logs.

  • c__
    Community Member

    I forgot to grab a console log, but there appears to be a UI for the problem now?

    Why did my 1password vault go "offline" and how do I prevent this from happening in the future?

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2023

    @c__ our developers did add error messages to the extension to help users work through this issue. To clarify, was your device offline when that message appeared? How often are you seeing that message now?

    Additionally, I am curious --do you use the 1Password desktop app on your computer? If not, then I'd like for you to check on the following:

    1. Right-click the 1Password extension in the browser's toolbar and select "Settings".
    2. Under Security, is "Automatically lock 1Password" disabled?

    We've found that turning off "Automatically lock 1Password" can cause issues with the extension's syncer. If "Automatically lock 1Password" is disabled, please enable that and set it to the maximum amount of 8 hours.

    Please let us know if this improves the behavior that you're seeing. Please also grab your extension console logs the next time the issue occurs and share them with us so that we can look into the issue further.

    We hope to hear from you again.

  • c__
    Community Member

    Hi Joy,

    To clarify, was your device offline when that message appeared?


    How often are you seeing that message now?

    That was the first time I saw that UI, but I observe the issue probably 1-2 times a week.

    Additionally, I am curious --do you use the 1Password desktop app on your computer? If not, then I'd like for you to check on the following:

    I don't.

    Under Security, is "Automatically lock 1Password" disabled?

    It is disabled.

    If "Automatically lock 1Password" is disabled, please enable that and set it to the maximum amount of 8 hours.

    From my perspective, having to re-unlock every 8 hours on every device would be worse than the current problem, not better.


  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    @c__ thanks again for your response.

    From my perspective, having to re-unlock every 8 hours on every device would be worse than the current problem, not better.

    I do recommend enabling the setting and configuring the extension to lock up after 8 hours if you run into the issue more than once every eight hours. However, if you don't run into the issue often, then I do understand why that is not ideal. In that case, locking/unlocking the extension may be the only workaround.

    I would still love to get your extension console logs when the issue occurs to confirm what is happening with the extension. The logs will help us determine if you are running into the known issue with the "Automatically lock 1Password" setting breaking the extension's syncer. Once we get the logs and can verify that you are running into that issue, we will get you added to the internal report that we have for it.

    I appreciate your patience, Conrad. Please let us know if you have any other questions in the meantime.

  • c__
    Community Member

    The issue happened again and I was able to grab a console log this time. I sent it to the email mentioned earlier. I hope that helps!

  • c__
    Community Member

    I encountered the issue again today on a different machine and sent in another console log. Email thread support ID is [#BGN-67698-548] for both.

  • Thanks @c__,

    I see we have sent a response over email, let's continue the discussion there.

    ref: BGN-67698-548

This discussion has been closed.