Feature Request: bind a login to domains path

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

the problem:
For some kind of services 1P don't find the needed passwort itself. I need to open 1P, search and copy each single part or have to choose from a long list.

the reason:
There are services out there you need different logins for on the same domain. Those scopes are separated by path. So you can have one login on domain.com/scopeOne/ and onatoher on domain.com/scopeTwo/. Sometimes this is client login vs admin login or even completely different service owners (e.g. low code platforms that offers an appID as a root path on one single domain).

current functionality
When storing email and passwort I can store a link to the service, too. As default the credentials are also used for other subdomains. I can reducde this to only a fixed domain or also avoid autofill. But even if I store domain.com/scopeOne/ to a passwort (instead only domain.com) this login is offered to be used when I'm on domain.com/scopeTwo/
This is very annoying when you have a really long list to scroll.

desired functionality
Just one more option in existing domain option list (autofill behaviour) that binds a login to the entered domain path combination (and deeper from there) to avoid false use on same domain.

Hope I could explain well.

Very happy with your product so far.

1Password Version: 8.10.4
Extension Version: 2.9.0
OS Version: Win10,Android
Browser:_ Chrome,FF


  • Hey @MarcusE,

    I'm so sorry for the delay in our response.

    I appreciate you taking the time to let us know ways in which we can improve the autofill behaviours of 1Password.

    I will pass all of this detail on to our product team for consideration in future updates. In addition, can you possibly provide me with an example that I am able to test?

    Thank you in advance!

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