Sort or set preferred login for a specific site

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

I have various sites like google and others where I have many accounts. When I click on the one password icon in the browser, I get many suggestions and I need to scroll through them to find the one I want. I mostly use one or two of the accounts, but they are a pain to find. I would like to be able to sort or select the preferred login for suggestions so that that the ones i use the most come out as the top picks. Is there a way to accomplish this?


1Password Version: 8.10.5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Win 11
Browser:_ Edge


  • Hi @jburst , thanks for reaching out!

    You can try setting the main Login items you're using as your favorites for sites like Google, where you have multiple login items. Here's how you can do that:

    1. Open 1Password.
    2. Select the Login item you'd like to make a favorite.
    3. Click the kebab menu ( ⋮ ) in the top right of the item's details, then select "Add to Favorites".

    These items should now appear at the top of the list with a star to indicate they've been added as a favorite item.

    Let us know how things go. I look forward to hearing from you!

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