1Password Auto-Copying of MFA Code Interferes With Password Auto-Population on Certain Logins

Community Member
edited April 2023 in Android

On websites (ex. Gmail, Outlook) that split up the login process on different screens in the following manner:

  1. Username
  2. Password
  3. MFA

1Password is now copying the MFA code after submitting the Username. On the next screen, in order to get the password to auto-populate, I either have to click on the MFA code so it pastes and then delete it or wait for the paste to timeout and click the password field, which then allows 1Password to display the choices for password. This doesn't happen when the Username and Password are filled out at the same time and on the same screen.


1Password Version: 8.10.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Android 13
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • ag_timothy
    edited April 2023

    Hi @RobMendez, thanks for sharing this with us.

    Gboard gives priority in the suggestion strip to copied values over filling prompts which causes this issue. We've filed an issue with the Gboard team regarding this and have looked into some potential solutions on our end as well.

    Currently you can use the workarounds you mentioned (pasting the clipped item or letting it time out), or switch to a different keyboard. Alternatively you can disable the clipboard preview in Gboard settings:
    1. Bring up Gboard.
    2. Tap the cog icon (tap the ">" arrow if the cog isn't available).
    3. Tap Clipboard.
    4. Tap "Show recently copied text and images in suggestions bars" off.

    Thanks again!

  • RobMendez
    Community Member

    @ag_timothy Thanks for acknowledging the issue and providing a workaround solution! It is a livable workaround and I'm happy with the outcome. 😁👍

  • Happy to help!

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