I'm already signed in...


This popup is just annoying. Most of the time, I only see it when I'm already signed in.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.1.0
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Arc (Chromium)


  • Hi @LordGrim, thanks for reaching out!

    Does the behaviour continue after dismissing the prompt and continuing to navigate through Reddit regardless of whether you're signed in or not? Additionally, are you experiencing this behaviour on any other browsers?

    I look forward to hearing from you!

  • LordGrim
    Community Member
    edited April 2023

    Yes. It appeared multiple times as I was scrolling.

    I haven't tried other browsers, but since I only use Chromium browsers, I assume it would be the same, since it's the same extension and same rendering engine.

  • LordGrim
    Community Member

    I just deleted the Sign in With Google option for Reddit, because it's more annoying than helpful. I still have my username and password.

  • Thanks for confirming @LordGrim! There's a known issue with the "Sign in with" prompt on Reddit that matches the behaviour you've described. Our development team has been informed so that they can look into any improvements that can be made here, and I've let them know about your situation. I apologize for the inconvenience.

    ref: dev/core/core#21361

This discussion has been closed.