Auto Fill in Address but not Name etc.


Gday, I have never been able to get auto fill to work correctly, in this example if I click in the name fields nothing will occur, but if I click in any of the address fields then there is an option to auto fill and when I use that option all the fields are then filled correctly including the name fields which were previously unresponsive. I presume there is some basic error I am making? The fields in my Identities section are filled correctly as far as I can tell and I have enabled every auto fill option in the app extension and the browser (Edge) I have also tried in Opera and chrome etc with the same issue. Any advice would be great thankyou.

1Password Version: 1Password for Windows 8.10.5 (81005021)
Extension Version: 1Password in the browser 2.10.0
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Microsoft Edge Version 112.0.1722.58


  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @SkugHole 1Password only makes suggestions via the inline menu for logins, email addresses, addresses, and credit card info. To fill fields that ask for your first name, last name, or phone number, you would have to click on the 1Password extension icon in your browser's toolbar, locate your Identity, and click Autofill.

    Here is a video of that:

    If the form has address fields, and your Identity contains an address, then 1Password will fill that like in the video I shared. I hope that helps. Let us know if you have any further questions.

  • SkugHole
    Community Member

    Ah wonderful thank you Joy, now I think about it that is of course the best way to do it, Ty.

  • Hi @SkugHole

    I'm glad to hear that Joy's suggestion worked for you.

    Let us know if you have any other questions or feedback!

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