1Password Storage

Community Member
edited April 2023 in Families

Is there a method to see the total amount of storage currently used by each member of a 1Password Families plan, in order to monitor the amount of remaining storage available before encountering the 1GB per person limitation?

Thank you.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • ag_tommy
    edited July 2023


    I'm afraid this is not possible at present. I would be more than happy to let the team know this is important to you. Several others have also suggested this type of functionality. By the time you read this I'll have filed that feature request on your part.

    ref: PB-32596295

  • Pleonasm
    Community Member
    edited April 2023

    Thank you, @ag_tommy, for requesting that 1Password be enhanced to allow a user to view the used storage total.

    Concerning the storage limit of 1GB per person, how is storage calculated for documents in a shared vault with a 1Password Families plan? For example, if a document is 50MB, is the available storage for each of the five members of the plan decremented by 10MB?

  • cacloutier
    Community Member

    I too would like to know if there is any progress yet on providing this functionality, i.e., checking how much storage space is used. I am considering offering family members to join our family account, but I wouldn't do this if they would jeopardize the 1GB of storage space. I also would like to know how to check this, even if my husband and I remain the only members on the account.

  • @Pleonasm

    I'm sorry your posting slipped through the cracks. I believe this is calculated by the user who originally created it. I don't typically work with such details. I'd suggest emailing our memberships team who deals with this more often. You can email us using support+forum@1password.com. Be sure to use the email address tied to the account in question.

  • @cacloutier

    I'd also suggest emailing the memberships team using support+forum@1password.com. Be sure to use the email address tied to the account in question. There has been no movement on the feature request that I am aware of.

  • cacloutier
    Community Member

    Thank you for your response. Better later than never.😊

  • @cacloutier

    Apologies; your post slipped by us. I've been heading back through the older posts trying to get to one's that were missed like yours. Feel free to bump a thread if a period of time goes by and you've not received a reply. To do that you'll reply to yourself with a short text blurb. Something like "anyone?".

  • Pleonasm
    Community Member

    In response to my inquiry, 1Password Support provided this useful answer: "When adding a file or creating an item, the item would then be associated with the family member who created the item and therefore it would be their storage amount that the item is deducted from."

    Thus, the storage quota is 1GB per person, even when using a Families plan; with the storage utilization calculation based on the person in the plan who created an item, regardless of whether that item is saved in a Private or Shared vault.

  • Thank you @Pleonasm I appreciate you adding that here.

This discussion has been closed.