How do I change the list of emails that pop up during autofill?

Community Member

As seen here, I haven't been able to find a way to change the emails that pop up here when signing up to a new account. Is this possible on the current version of 1Password?

1Password Version: 1Password for Windows 8.10.5 (81005021)
Extension Version: 2.9.0
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser:_ Firefox
Referrer: forum-search:changing default autofill


  • Hey @hollowSmart,

    I'm so sorry for the delayed response.

    The emails you see listed here will be saved within Identity Items in your 1Password account. To locate these, open and unlock your 1Password and then select Identities from the drop down at the top.

    I hope this helps, let us know if you have any questions.

  • hollowSmart
    Community Member
    edited April 2023

    Hi @steph.giles ! Thanks for getting back to me.

    Those specific ones always come up, but I want a specific one to be listed rather than have 1Password decide for me.
    Emails in the first and second line come from one Identity and the third one from another, though it's not what is what I prefer as they aren't necessarily the ones I always use. Having anything suggested in an email field is useful, but not in this case unfortunately.

    What happens if I decide to delete all emails? Does nothing show up? Is that the only solution here?

  • Hey @hollowSmart,

    If you delete all of the email addresses within Identity Items then none will show up. If you would like to add a new one I would suggest creating a new Identity Item and adding it within here. Alternatively, within an Identity Item, any email address not saved within the 'Internet Details' section will not show up so if you would like to save one but not see suggestions I would recommend adding it here.

    When you say you would like a specific one to appear, do you mean on a specific website or on all registration forms?

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