Auto-Fill not working all of a sudden on some sites

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

Example: Pizza Hut's website ( Upon checkout, when I click in one of the credit card fields, I don't get the 1Password prompt to auto-fill, and if I click auto-fill from the credit card on the extension itself, nothing happens. I've encountered this with another site or two as well, but I can't remember now which they were. Can any of you try to reproduce this by creating an order and trying to autofill the card details?

Also just noticed if I right-click the 1Password extension and click on Settings or Check for Updates, nothing happens. Can anyone reproduce this as well? macOS 13 / Chrome

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.10.0
OS Version: macOS 13.3.1
Browser:_ Chrome


  • usagora
    Community Member

    Just tried to log in at and 1Password will not auto-fill my user name and password. Same issue: no prompt when I click in the user name or password fields, and clicking "autofill" on the extension does nothing.

  • Hey @usagora,

    I'm sorry for the trouble you are having filling on certain websites. Let's start with

    I have tried to fill my credit card details on this site and things seemed to work as expected. Before we go any further can you try going to our test website and use the same steps you would take to fill your credit card and let me know if it successfully fills here:

    As for, can you try these steps to manually save your login and then see if you are able to fill:

    1. Go to the log in page
    2. Manually enter your log in details but don't click enter or sign in.
    3. Right click the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose 'Save Login'
    4. Give it a title and click Save.
    5. Now refresh the page and see if you are able to fill.

    Let me know how you get on!

  • usagora
    Community Member
    edited April 2023

    @steph.giles Today, both sites I mentioned are autofilling as normal. I've made no changes to Chrome (not even cleared the cache) or to the 1Password Chrome extension. Bizarre!

    I'll let you know if I encounter this again and what happens if I try the steps you outlined above.

  • Thanks for the update @usagora! We can continue to troubleshoot further if the behaviour continues.

  • usagora
    Community Member

    @steph.giles @david.m_1P I forgot to mention that right-clicking the extension icon and then clicking on "Settings" now opens the Settings page as expected (was unresponsive yesterday, as mentioned in my OP). However, clicking on "Check for updates" is still unresponsive for me.

  • david.m_1P
    edited April 2023

    Chrome automatically updates extensions, @usagora. So, if your extension is already up to date, clicking "Check for Updates" wouldn't do anything. Is there a different behaviour you're expecting?

  • usagora
    Community Member

    @david.m_1P I wasn't intending to actually update it, but when the "Settings" option was unresponsive yesterday, I tried the other options to see what else wasn't working. From a software developer's perspective, users expect feedback when clicking on a button or menu item (unless it's grayed out). When nothing happens, it appears broken. If the extension is up to date, then the user should receive a message saying such. If nothing happens, then it appears broken.

  • Thanks for getting back to us @usagora.

    I have put in a request for our product team to consider adding some kind of message when you click 'Check for updates' to notify the user that they are indeed up to date.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    ref: PB32730799

This discussion has been closed.