SSH and WSL2

Community Member
edited April 2023 in SSH

I'm accessing 1Password's SSH Agent from WSL2 and when I use 1Password for Windows 8.10.3 (81003012) everything works as I would expect. IE I can call use git to sign my commits and authenticate me on github and gitlab either directly from Windows Terminal + WSL or from Emacs in a GUI running through an XServer.
However, when I upgraded to 8.10.4 and 8.10.5 I could still sign and authenticate through Windows Terminal + WSL, but I found that when I tried to use Git from Emacs the SSH Access requests were being buried on the 1Password icon in the notification area.

I then tried upgrading to nightly and the process improved slightly for me. If I would first try to sign a commit and authenticate over ssh through Windows Terminal - I would receive the 1Password prompt to grant access and then I could use 1Password's agent from Emacs until 1Password locked or the session timer expired.

From what I read I am guessing that this is because whatever ssh mechanism is being run through the background via /init

For example, when it's waiting for me to authenticate and git was idling, one of the processes looked like this:

/init /mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/OpenSSH//ssh.exe /mnt/c/WINDOWS/System32/OpenSSH//ssh.exe -o SendEnv=GIT_PROTOCOL git-upload-pack\ 'justinbarclay/dotfiles.git'

My question is, is there any plan to use some sort of toggle or switch to allow the behaviour from 8.10.3? It was working exactly how I would expect and I was really enjoying the product then.


  • justinbarclay
    Community Member

    For anyone running into this problem, the latest nightly build, 1Password for Windows 8.10.6 (81006026), fixes this 😻

  • Glad to hear your issue has been resolved, @justinbarclay!

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