I am unable to log in on my computer via any browser or the app itself


I am however able to log in via the ios and android apps on my mobile devices and ipad.

1Password Version: 1Password for Windows 8.10.3 (81003012)
Extension Version: 2.9.0
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser:_ Chrome
Referrer: forum-search:unable to l og in


  • @davebu3

    Please reach out to my colleagues in support using support+forum@1password.com. Be sure to use the email address tied to the account in question. Be sure not to allow the device to power off. One thing that comes to mind is to make sure you are using the correct password. Did you move from a standalone vault setup or another password manager? If so make sure you use the correct password. I am thinking of the mobile devices having biometrics enabled.

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