Feature request - A tool to just generate passwords

Community Member

Sometimes we want a tool to generate random passwords to put in into any other place like AWS tools, Hashicorp Vault, etc. I believe it'd be great to have a button to generate a random password rather than have to create on the Add New Item button, choose the type, generate a random pass and then discard it. It'd be quicker.

BTW.: The interface usability of this forum could be increased, it was terrible to find out how to post this message.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • JohnInCA
    Community Member

    Click the 1Password icon in your browser. Then click the Menu and select Password Generator.

  • viswiz
    Community Member

    Not all passwords are browser related. I would really like to generate passwords without having to start the browser.

  • 1P_Gem

    Hi @jefoso! Was the information provided by @JohnInCA helpful here, or were you looking for a password generator accessible without needing to open a browser, as mentioned by @viswiz?

  • jefoso
    Community Member

    Yeah, it can help but having it in the main tool would be preferable because, in my case, my first action, when I need something regarding to passwords, is to open up the desktop app. I believe that's my first action because since the beginning the desktop app was more complete than the chrome extension so I only use the extension when 1Pass doesn't fill in the user and pass in an website.


  • 1P_Gem

    Hi @jefoso, thanks for getting back to me! I'm glad to hear that @JohnInCA's suggestion helped.

    I can definitely understand how having an item-independent password generator within the desktop app could be more streamlined and intuitive. I've filed a feature request on your behalf with our product team, including all of the details you've provided here.

    If you have any further feedback or questions, let me know! 😄

    ref: 32826880

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