Teams: Shared Vault

Community Member

I am new user to 1PW and we have a teams accounts. Is shared vault - just the pre-set up vault that you can share with others? In setting up other vaults to share with others - is there any difference between Shared and another "manually set up vault that is shared"

We will be using 1Password for Windows 8.10.5 plus also on iphones and an android phone.

1Password Version: Windows 8.10.5
Extension Version: 2.10.0
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Chrome


  • ag_max

    Hi @RuthGroves, welcome to the 1Password Support Community. 👋

    I am new user to 1PW and we have a teams accounts. Is shared vault - just the pre-set up vault that you can share with others? In setting up other vaults to share with others - is there any difference between Shared and another "manually set up vault that is shared"

    First, that's great to hear you've decided to use 1Password. The default Shared vault and other vaults you created are essentially identical in how they function; it's mostly there to act as a vault that your entire team can store general items that everyone would benefit from, like the WiFi password and building access code, for example.

    The default Shared vault that comes with your account is automatically accessible by all invited team members as soon as they are confirmed by an administrator or owner. This is because the vault is shared with the Team Members group by default. You can create new vaults and change these permissions for existing ones to reflect the access controls your team needs:

    Create, share, and manage vaults in your team

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