Google Cloud SCIM Bridge Upgrade
I'm following these instructions to upgrade our SCIM bridge in GCP but I am running into an issue when I set the image.
ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$ kubectl set image deploy/op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge=1password/scim:v2.8.1 -n 1password error: unable to find container named "op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge" ty@cloudshell:~ (tt-gag)$
The container exists, but I'm not sure why I am getting this error.
ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$ kubectl get deployments -n 1password NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge 1/1 1 1 59d op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-redis 1/1 1 1 59d ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
Hi @xeomonk ,
Thank you for reaching out.
You would need to modify your command slightly.
To get your container name, use this command: "kubectl describe deployment {deployment-name}"
Then run command "kubectl set image deploy/op-scim-bridge-1-op-scim-bridge {container_Name}=1password/scim:v2.8.1 -n 1password"Give this a try and let us know how it goes.
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The commands you suggested did not work. When I enter in "kubectl describe deployment op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge", this is the output below.
ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$ kubectl describe deployment op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge" not found ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$
In order to get that command to work I would need to call the 1password namespace. which would be "kubectl describe deployment op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge -n 1password"
ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$ kubectl describe deployment op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge -n 1password Name: op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge Namespace: 1password CreationTimestamp: Tue, 02 Nov 2021 21:56:00 +0000 Labels: app=op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge Annotations: 1 Selector: app=op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge,, Replicas: 1 desired | 1 updated | 1 total | 1 available | 0 unavailable StrategyType: Recreate MinReadySeconds: 0 Pod Template: Labels: app=op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge Init Containers: scimuser-permissions: Image: alpine:3.13 Port: <none> Host Port: <none> Command: /bin/sh -c Args: mkdir -p /home/scimuser && chown -R 999 /home/scimuser Environment: <none> Mounts: /home from op-scim-bridge-3-scimsession (rw) Containers: op-scim-bridge: Image: Ports: 8080/TCP, 8443/TCP Host Ports: 0/TCP, 0/TCP Command: /op-scim/op-scim Environment: OP_PORT: 8080 OP_SESSION: /home/xxxx/scimsession OP_REDIS_URL: redis://op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-redis-svc:6379 OP_ONE_CLICK: true OP_DOMAIN: Mounts: /home from op-scim-bridge-3-scimsession (rw) Volumes: op-scim-bridge-3-scimsession: Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace) ClaimName: op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge-pvc ReadOnly: false Conditions: Type Status Reason ---- ------ ------ Progressing True NewReplicaSetAvailable Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable OldReplicaSets: <none> NewReplicaSet: op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge-76fb9597b6 (1/1 replicas created) Events: <none> ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$
With the container name identified as "op-scim-bridge". I modified your command and added the container name. "kubectl set image deploy/op-scim-bridge-1-op-scim-bridge op-scim-bridge=1password/scim:v2.8.1 -n 1password" and it still failed to run
ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$ kubectl set image deploy/op-scim-bridge-1-op-scim-bridge op-scim-bridge=1password/scim:v2.8.1 -n 1password Error from server (NotFound): deployments.apps "op-scim-bridge-1-op-scim-bridge" not found ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$
I have an open case with support. That case is 137107
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Hi there,
Sorry to know the commands didn't work.
Could you please try "kubectl set image deployment/op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge op-scim-bridge=1password/scim:v2.8.1 -n 1password"0 -
That worked. Now the second part of the upgrade. I can't get the command to work either.
kubectl patch op-scim-bridge -p='[{"op":"replace", "path":"/spec/descriptor/version", "value":"2.8.1"}]' -n 1password --type='json'
ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$ kubectl patch op-scim-bridge -p='[{"op":"replace", "path":"/spec/descriptor/version", "value":"2.8.1"}]' -n 1password --type='json' Error from server (NotFound): "op-scim-bridge" not found ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$
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For that you'd need to modify command with full name of deployment.
Try "kubectl patch op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge -p='[{"op":"replace", "path":"/spec/descriptor/version", "value":"2.8.1"}]' -n 1password --type='json' "0 -
I tried that as well and it didn't work. Below is the output.
ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$ kubectl patch op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge -p='[{"op":"replace", "path":"/spec/descriptor/version", "value":"2.8.1"}]' --type='json' Error from server (NotFound): "op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge" not found ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$
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Ok. Error is related to Kubernetes and not Scim.
Let us first confirm SCIM bridge is successfully updated.
Could you run "kubectl describe deployment --namespace 1password" ? Under deployment you may look for "Image: 1password/scim:v2.8.1" . Then confirm you're connected with cluster where your SCIM bridge lives and rerun "kubectl patch {your-deploymnet-name} -p='[{"op":"replace", "path":"/spec/descriptor/version", "value":"2.8.1"}]' --type='json' --namespace 1password"0 -
Below is the output of "kubectl describe deployment --namespace 1password" and I am connected to the correct cluster. The Image does show "Image: 1password/scim:v2.8.1" so that's correct.
ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$ kubectl describe deployment --namespace 1password Name: op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge Namespace: 1password CreationTimestamp: Tue, 02 Nov 2021 15:56:00 -0600 Labels: app=op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge Annotations: 3 Selector: app=op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge,, Replicas: 1 desired | 1 updated | 1 total | 1 available | 0 unavailable StrategyType: Recreate MinReadySeconds: 0 Pod Template: Labels: app=op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge Init Containers: scimuser-permissions: Image: alpine:3.13 Port: <none> Host Port: <none> Command: /bin/sh -c Args: mkdir -p /home/scimuser && chown -R 999 /home/scimuser Environment: <none> Mounts: /home from op-scim-bridge-3-scimsession (rw) Containers: op-scim-bridge: Image: 1password/scim:v2.8.1 Ports: 8080/TCP, 8443/TCP Host Ports: 0/TCP, 0/TCP Command: /op-scim/op-scim Environment: OP_PORT: 8080 OP_SESSION: /home/scim/scimsession OP_REDIS_URL: redis://op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-redis-svc:6379 OP_ONE_CLICK: true OP_DOMAIN: Mounts: /home from op-scim-bridge-3-scimsession (rw) Volumes: op-scim-bridge-3-scimsession: Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace) ClaimName: op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge-pvc ReadOnly: false Conditions: Type Status Reason ---- ------ ------ Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable Progressing True NewReplicaSetAvailable OldReplicaSets: op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge-76fb9597b6 (0/0 replicas created), op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge-694cc8cd65 (0/0 replicas created) NewReplicaSet: op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge-bb4f65b7 (1/1 replicas created) Events: <none> Name: op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-redis Namespace: 1password CreationTimestamp: Tue, 02 Nov 2021 15:56:00 -0600 Labels: Annotations: 1 Selector:, Replicas: 1 desired | 1 updated | 1 total | 1 available | 0 unavailable StrategyType: RollingUpdate MinReadySeconds: 0 RollingUpdateStrategy: 25% max unavailable, 25% max surge Pod Template: Labels: Containers: op-scim-redis: Image: Port: 6379/TCP Host Port: 0/TCP Environment: <none> Mounts: <none> Volumes: <none> Conditions: Type Status Reason ---- ------ ------ Progressing True NewReplicaSetAvailable Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable OldReplicaSets: <none> NewReplicaSet: op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-redis-69c76787fd (1/1 replicas created) Events: <none> ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$
I would assume that the deployment name is op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge and taking the command "kubectl patch op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge -p='[{"op":"replace", "path":"/spec/descriptor/version", "value":"2.8.1"}]' --type='json' --namespace 1password" Outputs the same error.
ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$ kubectl patch op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge -p='[{"op":"replace", "path":"/spec/descriptor/version", "value":"2.8.1"}]' --type='json' --namespace 1password Error from server (NotFound): "op-scim-bridge-3-op-scim-bridge" not found ty@cloudshell:~ (it-gag)$
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Any ideas on what the next steps are to resolving this issue?
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Sorry to hear it didn't work. Let's confirm the application name in GCP by "kubectl get all --namespace 1password".
In result to above command it will show up as a resource of type "". This can also be confirmed through GCP GUI.
You can then run the previous command with the app name found.
Let us know if that helps.0 -
That worked!
Thanks for all the help @hemal.g_1p