Simplifying set up in non-default browsers


In earlier versions of 1Password there have been links to the plugins/add-ons/extensions of supported browser directly. Now with version 8 there is only one option left: Your browser.

But how can you assume there is just one browser in use, just because obviously only one can be the default browser? I can't find a way to set up the latest version of a browser plugin for any other browser and with manual search results there's a good chance I'll end up at not the latest version or a hijacked project. I think the installation in other browser should be as easily accessible as before. You can still check wether other browsers are available as to not provide options that won't work (because the browsers aren't even installed).

1Password Version: 8.x
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS
Browser:_ Any non-default


  • martenlehmann
    Community Member

    Btw.: Since Chrome is my default browser and I want to install the extension in Firefox as well, a search for "1password firefox" takes me to a page inviting me for a beta instead of a tested and stabled version, which is provided as a direct download instead of by the platform so there won't be any future automatic updates. Not really cool for a paid product :/

  • Hey @martenlehmann,

    You can find all of the links to install 1Password in your browser here: Get 1Password in you browser.

    I do see what you are saying though, maybe instead of taking you to your default browser that button within the app could take you to the page I have shared above. I have filed a request with our product team to take a look at this. Thank you for your feedback.

    Let me know how you get on installing 1Password in Firefox.

    ref: PB33154874

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