Not being prompted to save a password using iPhone

Community Member
edited June 2023 in iOS

Hi, I am frustrated trying to save a new password in 1Password using an iPhone 13. I am updated to the latest iOS. I have the 1Passwrod app one the phone, I have changed the settings in the iOS to 1Password only under Password > Password Options.

I have a lot of app passwords to change, when I go to change one using the phone and app, I am not being prompted to save the password. This is happening for example in the apps for Facebook and Zillow.

1Password Version: 8.10.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 16.5
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Dave_1P

    Hello @NeedPasshelp! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're having trouble saving a new password on your iPhone. I see that you're already discussing the issue with the team over email and I suggest continuing the conversation there. One of my colleagues will send you a reply as soon as possible. Since we have a communications channel already open I'm closing this thread.


    ref: BDT-38655-199

This discussion has been closed.