Feature Request: Auto-checking domain validity

Community Member
edited August 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

I'm in the process of roto-rootering my large, out-of-date login collection in 1PW and I find myself yearning for a way to programmatically check the validity of domains in bulk (as a way of easily identifying logins that are no longer valid due to the service/site going offline).

It doesn't appear that 1PW has any way of doing this in the app itself (though an automated, recurring health check like that would be AMAZING), so I'm wondering if anybody out there has any thoughts of alternative ways to do this...

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:domain check


  • Tertius3
    Community Member
    edited June 2023

    Such a function might be useful, but not very much in my opinion. What would I do with the information: "the domain of this login entry is no longer valid"? It would make me verify this entry, investing time. On the other hand, what will happen if I ignore and don't verify such entries? Nothing! And I save some time. It doesn't change anything - only some more entries in my database that have no use any more. Not much difference between an entry with an invalid domain and an entry I once signed up but never used again and never will. I don't care about this, since 1Password has no limit of login entries.

    From time to time, I actually check my database and try to remove stale entries. However, the validity of the domain isn't relevant for that check. I sort all entries by change date, then visit the websites one by one and try to login. If it still works, and I assume I still have some use for that website, the entry remains. If I cannot access and login any more, I delete it. If the domain is invalid, the browser will show me.

    For this check, I sort all entries by change date (unfortunately, the last use date is invalid, because it isn't cloud synced) and work from the oldest to the newer entries and check their validity.

    An automated domain check could also result in invalid results, because it relies on DNS queries, and if there is a network issue during such test, a still valid domain might be reported as invalid.

    If I would be given the opportunity to decide if the developers spend their time on this feature or on some other feature, I would ask them to make the last use date useful by cloud syncing it. Not to add a domain validity check.

  • Hey @ChrisJScott,

    Do you mean showing an alert in Watchtower for these items so you can easily see items with an invalid domain?

    I'd be happy to pass on your use case to our product team for consideration in a future update so any detail you can provide on how this will positively impact your workflow or how you'd envisage it working would be really helpful to add weight to your request.

    Thank you!

  • writetrev
    Community Member
    edited August 2023

    I agree! As someone who's been using 1Password for over 15 years, I have thousands of entries that I'd like to clear out if the site is no longer functioning. @steph.giles, feel free to add my name to the request. :-)

    If Watchtower could list the names similar to sites with available MFA, with the option to delete using check boxes (for individual selection) and a "Select all" link, that would be helpful.

  • @writetrev

    Thank you for the suggestion. I have a few questions before I file a feature request on your behalf.

    Would you like 1Password to check continually? For example, a website might be down for a few hours/days but then come back up. It's also possible that a website might be down but that the website's app or other services are still working. In that case it would be wrong for Watchtower to suggest to a user that the Login item should be removed.

    And if a website does go down but comes back up in the future, wouldn't you want to still retain your login credentials for that website?


    ref: 35071367

  • writetrev
    Community Member

    I’d love to see the list of domains and how long they’ve been down in days). That way, even if I Select All, I can I unselect the ones I may want to keep.

    The list could also be broken up in sections related to time offline (include Select All for each section).

    • 1 week
    • 2 weeks
    • 1 month
    • more than 1 month

    As this isn’t intended as a site health check, I don’t think you need to report anything less than a week. And if I don’t check the report for awhile, sites automatically move from one section to another). Personally, I’d be happy with a list of sites that have been down more than a month.

    And of course, an explainer about sites vs. apps. Perhaps these could be archived with a special tag assigned to them for final deletion.

  • @writetrev

    Thank you for the detailed reply. I've filed a feature request on your behalf and included your comments and suggestions. 🙂


    ref: 35071367

This discussion has been closed.