Saving passwords from the web is putting the password under the SAVED ON


I'm having issues when I use "Save in 1Password" browser extension on sites that I visit.

I was expecting the password field to be saved in password under username. However it creates a separate Password field under the heading SAVED ON WEBSITE.COM

This is less than ideal as there is no password strength indicator with that field.

Am I doing something incorrect. This does not seem like an expected action.

Thanks for the help

1Password Version: Mac 8.10.7 (81007041)
Extension Version: 21200003, on BETA channel
OS Version: MacOS 13.4
Browser:_ Chrome


  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @JoshFinks that behavior can occur if the website codes the password field as a text type field. If your password is saved to a password type field, then it will not fill in the text type field on the website.

    I've seen that happen on other websites but was unable to reproduce it on Could you let me know what steps you took to save your login on there? Here's how it appears on my end:

  • JoshFinks
    Community Member
    edited June 2023

    Thanks. I never got a notification about this so I apologize for the delay. So strange.

    What's strange is that I get this all the time at a lot of sites. I just tried it again and you are correct. I'll have to play with it some more to see how I might have had that happen.

    Thanks for the help

  • Thanks for getting back to us @JoshFinks.

    Let us know how you get on and any steps you can provide for us to reproduce it would be most helpful.

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