Disable auto-fill auto-submit

Community Member
edited June 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

I've recently switched over to giving 8 a try and one thing that's been really bugging me is the fact that auto-complete auto-submits the login. In 7, there was a way to disable this 'feature'. It causes me a lot of issues as a few sites I use pop up a captcha after you enter your login info and the auto-submit causes the captcha to fail and the account to be locked for an hour.

Is there any way to go back to the old behavior?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @billvortex, are you using the Universal Autofill feature in Safari to get that auto-submit behavior? If not, what steps are you taking to fill and what website is your info being auto-submitted on?

    That feature should only be available via Universal Autofill (which can be invoked via a keyboard shortcut), and it only works in Safari. To turn off auto-submit in that situation:

    1. Open the 1Password app, left click '1Password' in the top left corner and select ‘Settings’.
    2. Under General, scroll down to Autofill and de-select "Submit Automatically with Universal Autofill".

    Here's a screenshot: https://share.cleanshot.com/8q03rDmc

    If you're seeing it elsewhere, then the issue may be related to the specific website or browser, which we'd need more info to look into. Please let us know if that's the case.

  • billvortex
    Community Member

    Ahh, that did the trick. It wasn't obvious to me that "Universal Autofill" also applied to the Browser extension. Thanks for clarifying.

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    @billvortex You're welcome!

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