Query to c1.password.com when logging in?

Community Member


When I submit a loggin to a website, the browser seems to submit some data to c1.password.com
Why that? Plus this slow down my login process as it relies of the responsivness of this URL.

Screenshot: https://gyazo.com/ad5ae058ea831c51b0a8f502e1ac6885

1Password Version: 8.10.7
Extension Version: 2.11.0
OS Version: Windows
Browser:_ Edge


  • GreyM1P

    Hi there @tbo

    That server is part of the core 1Password service, so you might see connections to *.1password.com as you use 1Password. More information about the ports and domains we use are here:

    1Password ports and domains

    Let me know if you have any questions or would like any further help. :)

    — Grey

  • tbo
    Community Member

    This slow down our logging process to websites, why? And what happens if your domains are down during the login? Please share technical details. Thank you

  • GreyM1P


    Have you seen a delay in using 1Password? If so, let me know the details of when the delay occurs, and for how long, and we can look into that with you.

  • tbo
    Community Member

    The slow down of few seconds happens when I hit "login" to websites, I can see the query to your domains so this creates ultimately some slowdown.

    I would like specific answer to my questions please.
    ==> What do you exactly do during the logging? Please say a detailed technical answer on what the app is exactly doing during this login process.

    Thank you

  • GreyM1P


    One thing that c.1password.com is used for is to find icons for your items. If the page you're on redirects you, for example, there might be an additional request to that website, however icons (such as this one for Google: https://c.1password.com/richicons/images/login/large/google.com.png) are only a few kilobytes in size typically.

    If you find that there's a delay while browsing, here's what to do:

    • compare the performance of the page against an Incognito window where 1Password isn't enabled
    • take a screen recording of the two pages if possible
    • contact us at support@1password.com with the screen recordings and a link to this thread

    One of our team can then investigate with you and see what's going on.

    — Grey

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