SCIM Bridge change the default language

Community Member


We have correctly configured the SCIM bridge to sync with Google Workspace

The new issue we face now is that the SCIM bridge change the user language with no reason

This is my account normally configured in english, when I log out and login, it's "pushed" to french with no reason (I'm a French users but all my UX are in english)

I do not know where does this setting can be changed

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Anis
    Community Member
    edited June 2023

    Little UP if someone already faced this issue

  • Hi @Anis ,
    Thanks for writing in.
    You can check in Google workspace if multiple languages set with English set as the default, by chance? Could you confirm from your profile which language is set as preferred one? As you mention your rest web content is in English rules out possibility of default browser language.

  • Anis
    Community Member

    @hemal.g_1p thank you for your answer

    Here are my GWS settings

  • Thank you for confirming and sharing details with us.

    I apologize for inconvenience you are facing. We are actively working on fix for the problem. Solution will be available soon in next Scim bridge release. I appreciate your patience in meantime.

This discussion has been closed.