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Is it true that I have to cancel my membership if I lose my password?

Community Member
edited June 2023 in Memberships

Am I understanding it correctly? I lost access to my vault, apparently the password changed. With 3 different password managers, one of them should have caught that, but they all show the password that I thought was correct, but isn't.

I figured the process was going to be delete the vault, create a new vault and import my passwords, but apparently I must also pay a penalty by giving away what's left of my current subscription, which is yearly? I didn't anticipate a financial penalty.

Am I understanding this right? I have my "secret" key and my email, just the password for that vault is missing.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Ben

    Hi @JustAnother1PWUser

    I'm sorry to hear about the situation with your password. It is true that the only people who can help recover from lost credentials for a 1Password account are other folks who have been given that power within your membership (i.e. Family Organizers). 1Password staff members do not have this capability. If recovery isn't possible then starting a new membership and deleting the current one would indeed be the only way forward. Data stored in the current one would remain inaccessible.

    In terms of the financials: our Billing team can work with you to move any remaining subscription payment from your current membership to a new one. You can reach them using the below form. Please write from the email address associated with your current membership.

    Contact Us

    You can include a link to this forum thread in your message to avoid having to repeat what you've already said. If you do end up moving to a new membership I would strongly encourage you to print your Emergency Kit, write in your account password, and store it in a safe place:

    Get to know your Emergency Kit

    The Emergency Kit would then contain all of the details needed to access your account. I hope that helps!


    P.S. We recommend against using multiple password managers, as you can end up with multiple "sources of truth." It tends to lead to confusion and frustration. "Which one did I save that password in?" etc.

  • JustAnother1PWUser
    Community Member
    edited June 2023

    Thanks, I'll contact billing. While I know you don't recommend using multiple password managers, in this case it saved my butt. So did my trusty old 1PW iCloud based vault, which I can still get into with what I thought was still my 1PW password for the default 1PW vaults, which, for some reason changed.

  • @JustAnother1PWUser,

    I'm glad to hear that you were able to save the data in this case however, we do recommend the Emergency Kit as the safest way to maintain access to the 1Password account overall.

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