Are 1Password for Safari and Firefox old versions?


When I use 1Password for Safari, or the 1Password extension for Firefox, it shows what looks like an older version of 1Password.

This is most obvious with the Collections feature: the Collections feature is missing. Instead, there is the old “All Accounts” feature, where you go into 1Password Toolbar Button → Menu Button → Settings → Accounts & Vaults, and choose which vaults show up by default. To my knowledge that feature isn’t even available in 1Password 8 (Collections replaced it).

I’m using the latest 1Password for Safari from the App Store (v2.13.0), and for Firefox (v2.13.0).

Is there a newer version, or was I not supposed to install these and use Universal Autofill instead?

1Password Version: 8.10.9
Extension Version: 2.13.0
OS Version: macOS 13.4.1 (c)
Browser: Safari


  • Hey @natevancouver,

    I can confirm you are indeed using the latest versions in your browsers. Collections have not yet made it into 1Password in the browser but I'd be happy to pass your feedback on to the team if this is a feature you are keen to see?

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